
If you are new to our camera club, you can find out more about us (where we meet, how much it costs, etc) by clicking here. Visitors to our club evenings are always welcome: the programme for the next few meetings is outlined below - just come. Club evenings start at 7:30pm.

    What's Happening    (updated 07/12/2024)

  Bradford Abbas Shield 2024: "Trees"   Well, we did our best, but still only made it to 4th place out of 5, and (if truth be told) a bit of a gap between us and 3rd place. Congratulations to the Sherborne Bradford Abbas Camera Club who were the winners. Congratulations also go to Alan Williams and to Steve Cooper for their photos "Dank Wood" and "Bent Tree" respectively which were our joint top scorers with 18/20 points. (Click on any image in the slideshow to see it enlarged).

The theme for the 2025/6 competition will be decided in due course by this year's winners. Note that the competition night itself (previously in October each year) will be moved to later on in the season, that is to March. So our next chance to move back up the leaderboard will be in March 2026.

  Club Meetings:   meetings have resumed with in-person sessions at the Blake Hall on the first Wednesday of the month and Zoom meetings on the third Wednesdays from October to March. One of the unexpected lessons of the last year has been that we can get some very good speakers from more distant places on a greater range of topics by going on-line. You can see the full programme using the link below.
Bradford Abbas images 2024 - 'Trees'

Visitors are welcome to join us for in-person and/or for zoom meetings - please e-mail for further details. Meanwhile our Monthly Challenges continue to run on-line with the images also being shown at our 1st Wednesday club nights.

  We meet at the Blake Hall, South Petherton for our face-to-face meetings: it is located in the 'The Square' in the centre of the village, between The Brewers Arms and St Peter and St Paul's church. TA13 5BT for your sat-nav. There is usually plenty of parking in the streets close by. Please note that there is a significant staircase to negotiate from the main entrance - there is a chair lift, so please let us know if you need any assistance gaining access.

  December Challenge: "Glass"   See the 24 entries   here.
See a summary of the results of voting on the challenge here:     as a video:   --->   mp4     or     as a pdf:   --->   pdf

The winning entry was this beautifully lit study "Blue on Blue" by Pam Goodey. Pam took this photo at one of our practical clubnights a while ago where we experimented with various arrangements of backlighting. Here it produced a lovely rim-light glow that emphasises the shape and colour of the glass bottle really nicely.

  January 22nd   Zoom talk by Essex-based photographer, Daniel Bridge:'Close-up and Macro Nature Photography’. Daniel was one of our first zoom speakers back in the covid/lockdown days (remember those?), and we welcome him back again for this talk largely based on his workshop of the same name. This talk has over 130 images, with subjects ranging from insects to flowers, abstracts to animals. Covering the different types of close-up and macro shots we can take, the variety of subjects available, lighting, lenses and accessories, techniques, focus stacking, and more.

Take a look at Daniel's gallery of simply great photographs here: https://gallery.danielbridge.co.uk/gallery/100things/home

  February 5th   We have a presentation on "Wedding Photography" from former club member, David McMeakin. Once friends and relatives know you are a bit of a photographer, it is not uncommon to get a request to do a wedding. David’s talk covers the topic from the point of view of an experienced amateur – what to do and what not to do.

Check out more of David's photographs on his Facebook page, here: https://www.facebook.com/davidmcmeakinphotography/

Programme 2024-5   --- >   (in brief) here   <---     or     --- >   (presentation) here   <---
Visit the South Petherton Photographers Facebook page   --->   here   <---

    South Petherton Calendar 2025

The SPPS South Petherton Calendar has become something of an institution over the years, and very well supported by sales it is too. Many thanks to the photographers who provided images this year of South Petherton and the area around: Steve Cooper, Carolyn Edwards, James McInnes, John Nicholson, Dave Simpson, Jenny Wade, Alan Williams and Robert Williams - and to the image selection panel, and the editor, James McInnes.

2026 Calendar We are always looking for fresh images to include in the next edition of the calendar. As you take them throughout the year, please send your South Petherton and locality images for collation and possible selection to .

The area included as 'South Petherton and its locality' can be displayed below: click on [Open Map] below to reveal the map.

    Monthly Photo Challenges

Each month the club members are set a photo challenge to produce digital images on a set topic. The images are then reviewed at a subsequent club night and voted on to select the winner (who gets a round of applause and our heartfelt admiration).

  You can view entries from past 2017/18 challenges and earlier here

Challenge topics and deadlines 2024/25      You can view all of the past challenge entries here.

Click on the   symbol below to see the entries

  July/August ‘24Trees ..... see the entries here    

  September ‘24Reflections ..... see the entries here    

  October ‘24Old Technologies ..... see the entries here    

  November ‘24Long Exposure ..... see the entries here    

  December '24Glass ..... see the entries here    

            ---------- oooOooo ----------

  January '25Board Games ..... entries by Sunday 26th Jan (on-line voting from Wed 29th Jan)

  February '25Textiles ..... entries by Friday 21st Feb (on-line voting from Wed 26th Feb)

  March '25Curves ..... entries by Sunday 23rd Mar (on-line voting from Wed 26th Mar)

  April '25Raindrops ..... entries by Sunday 27th Apr (on-line voting from Wed 30th Apr)

  May '25Something with 6 Or More Legs ..... entries by Sunday 25th May (on-line voting from Wed 28th May)

  June '25Silhouette ..... entries by Sunday 22nd Jun (on-line voting from Wed 25th Jun)

Entries: (please make no smaller than 1Mb and no larger than 2Mb - as a guide, about 1200 pixels along the longest edge is plenty big enough for your image to be projected with good quality) can be e-mailed to .
Click here for the rules of the Monthly Challenge competition.

On-line voting: members can vote for their favourite challenge images (up to 2) each month - log into the Members' Area and follow the 'Monthly Challenges' link. The results of the vote will be announced at the following in-person club meeting (and shortly after on the club website).